
How to Decorate Around a Large Wall Clock- Mastering the Art of Decorating

By ShellyP Clayton

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How to Decorate Around a Large Wall Clock

Read our expert tips on how to decorate around a large wall clock, enhancing your space with style without overwhelming your statement timepiece.

Decorating a home can be a detailed craft where every element provides functionality and contributes to an overall aesthetic. One such element that often becomes the focal point in a room is a large wall clock. Not only does it help us keep track of time, but it also offers a canvas to express our style. But how do you decorate around a large wall clock effectively? This article will guide you through the nuances of adorning that space to accentuate both the wall clock and your room.

Understanding the Space

Understanding the Space
Understanding the Space

When embarking on the journey of decorating around a sizable timepiece, the wall itself plays as crucial a role as the clock. It’s more than just a surface; it’s a canvas awaiting your artistic touch. Here’s how you can assess this space with an eye for detail.

Assess the Wall Space

The Size of the Wall: What is the dimension of the wall you are eyeing? Is it expansive enough to house your large wall clock with ample breathing room on all sides? Or does it demand a more reserved approach? A spacious wall gives you the leisure to add complementary elements without crowding, while a modest area benefits from a “less is more” philosophy.

Color as Context: The color of your wall sets the stage for your clock and subsequent decorations. Neutral colors like white, beige, or grey are the perfect backdrop for almost any style. However, a bold colored wall requires a careful selection of decor elements to prevent a visual clash.

Texture and Material: Is your wall smooth and sleek, or does it boast a textured finish such as brick or paneled wood? This aspect can dramatically alter the perception of your wall clock and decor. A rough texture lends an earthy and robust character; however, it may compete with intricate designs, while a smooth surface is like a blank slate, ideal for highlighting finer details.

Consider the Room’s Function

Living Spaces: In a living room, comfort meets style. The decor surrounding the large wall clock should invite a sense of relaxation. Think about companion pieces that evoke personal memories or conversation, like photo frames or artwork.

Dining Areas: Formality often reigns in dining rooms, where we host and entertain. A large clock in this setting is best flanked by symmetrical or balanced decor pieces that speak to an organized and refined space, offering a mix of elegance and hospitality.

Kitchens: Kitchens are the heart of the home, brimming with activity. Utilitarian elements work well here. Shelves displaying cookbooks or an array of spices, hanging planters with fresh herbs, or vintage culinary tools can serve as both decorative and practical extensions of the clock.

Studies or Home Offices: A study’s primary role is one of focus and productivity. In these spaces, ambient lighting not only serves as a decor but also enhances functionality. It can spotlight the large wall clock, make reading the time easier, and simultaneously create a calm atmosphere conducive to concentration.

In summary, the wall’s attributes and room’s function are not just considerations but inspiration for your decorative planning. They should complement the wall clock, never overwhelming it, ensuring that when you glance up to check the time, it’s not just the hour that pleases you, but the view as a whole.

Choosing the Right Wall Clock

Choosing the Right Wall Clock
Choosing the Right Wall Clock

Selecting the perfect large wall clock is akin to choosing a piece of art. It must not only perform its intended function but also integrate seamlessly into the fabric of the room. Consider these factors to make an informed decision that will contribute to the room’s overall narrative.

Style Match

Resonating with Room Aesthetics: A wall clock should be a reflection of your style and the room’s existing decor. In a modern and minimalist interior, consider a clock with clean lines and an understated design. Materials like brushed metal or simplistic black and white schemes complement such spaces. Conversely, for a room with rustic charm or vintage accents, a clock with roman numerals, ornate hands, and a traditional wooden or distressed metal finish can add an authentic historical touch.

Accentuating Themes: For thematic rooms, the clock can serve as a central piece that accentuates that theme. A nautical-themed room, for instance, could be enhanced by a clock set in a ship’s wheel, while a room with industrial influences would benefit from a clock with gears and a stark metal construction.

Size Proportions

The Size-to-Wall Ratio: An appropriately sized clock is essential. It should be large enough to act as a focal point without overwhelming the wall or the rest of the room. A good rule of thumb is for the clock to fill at least two-thirds to three-quarters of the wall space it’s centered on without touching any furniture below or ceiling above.

Visible from Every Angle: Consider the sight lines in the room. The clock should be prominently placed where it can be viewed from every vantage point in the room. If it’s too small, it might become lost on a large wall or if surrounded by other decorative pieces.

Balancing Act: There is also a balance to be struck in terms of wall saturation. A large wall clock on a smaller wall should be complemented with minimal other decor to avoid clutter, while on a larger wall, smaller companion pieces can maintain visual interest without detracting from the clock’s statement.

Selecting the right large wall clock is both science and art — a synergy of proportion, design, and style that, when achieved, can transform a mere time-telling instrument into an integral component of your home’s character.

Popular Wall Clock Styles and Their Best Complementary Decor:

Wall Clock Style Complementary Decor
Modern Abstract art, clean lines, monochrome elements
Vintage Antique finds, rich, deep colors, wood textures
Industrial Metallic accents, exposed piping, minimalistic art

Complementary Decor Elements

The decor that surrounds your large wall clock holds significant power in either elevating its beauty or causing a dissonant visual chaos. Here’s how to navigate the complex world of color coordination and balance in decor.

Color Coordination

Complementing vs. Contrasting: A complementary color scheme can create a soothing and cohesive look. Take cues from the tones present in your clock. A clock with a cool tone could be paired with shades of blue or green. For a warmer colored clock, stick to earthy tones like reds, yellows, or oranges.

On the flip side, if your clock is a striking hue, setting it against a neutral palette can allow it to stand out without competing with other vibrant colors. A bright red clock could become a centerpiece on a soft beige wall, flanked by simple, muted decor.

Textures and Patterns: Don’t forget to factor in texture and patterns when considering color. A clock with a highly textured surface may benefit from decor with less pattern to avoid a busy look. Alternatively, if the clock is sleek and monochromatic, introducing textured decorations can add depth and interest to the space.

Lighting Effects: Be mindful that lighting can alter how colors exhibit throughout the day. Testing out color swatches around your clock at different times can prevent unforeseen clashing.

Symmetry and Balance

Centering Symmetry: Placing identical decor elements on either side of your clock can foster a classical symmetry that often suits formal and traditional interiors. For instance, a pair of candle sconces or framed photos can complement a centrally hung clock, providing an aesthetic of calm and order.

Exploring Asymmetry: If a modern and dynamic feel is what you’re after, asymmetry is your ally. This can be achieved by varying the size, shape, and color of the items around the clock while maintaining a visual balance. Imagine a large clock flanked by smaller pieces of varying heights and widths, like a tall vase on one side and a stack of books or a low lamp on the other.

Balancing Elements: Even in asymmetry, balance is key. It’s not just a matter of placement but also visual weight. Darker colors or denser objects can weigh more visually and can be counterbalanced by lighter colors or multiple smaller items. The aim is for the eye to travel across the arrangement comfortably, without any one element overpowering the others.

Unifying Theme: Regardless of symmetry or asymmetry, there should be a unifying element that ties your decor together. This could be a recurring shape, motif, or material that provides a cohesive thread throughout.

By combining thoughtful color coordination with a keen eye for balance, you can create a space that not only enhances your large wall clock but also forms a harmonious and inviting atmosphere.

Incorporating Wall Art and Photos

The space around a large wall clock presents a unique opportunity to express your individuality and tastes. A gallery wall can turn a time-telling necessity into the linchpin of a personalized art installation.

Gallery Walls

Thoughtful Curation: Creating a gallery wall is more than hanging objects around a clock; it’s about curating pieces that reflect a part of you. Your large wall clock becomes the center of gravity for a constellation of memories and aesthetics.

Personal Touch with Family Photos: Select family photographs that capture candid moments, joyful memories, or beloved portraits. Arrange them in varying sizes but with consistent framing to bring uniformity amidst the diversity.

Artistic Flair with Prints: Art prints, whether abstract, contemporary, or classical, can provide bursts of color or deep emotion—depending on your taste. They should complement the clock’s design, either through a continuation of its style or a deliberate contrast.

Reflective Elements with Mirrors: Small mirrors can serve dual purposes; they are decorative and amplify natural light within the room. They can also reflect the room’s living images, adding movement to the static collection.

Cultural Accents with Decorative Plates: Decorative plates, especially those with cultural significance or intricate designs, can add a story element to your wall, inviting questions and becoming conversation starters.

Mixing Mediums

Variety in Material: The mixed-media approach in a gallery wall can have a striking effect. Incorporating canvas paintings alongside sleek, framed photos and bold metal wall sculptures adds layers of texture and depth.

Frame Harmony: While the mediums may vary, bring coherence through the frames. Choose a particular style, color, or material for your frames to weave the different media into a connected narrative.

Material Balance: When mixing materials, consider the visual weight each carries. A single large canvas might balance out against a cluster of small metal pieces. It’s about achieving a visual equilibrium where the clock stands as the fulcrum.

Compositional Dynamics: Place the pieces at varying heights and distances but always keep the clock’s position in mind. The goal is for your eye to dance from piece to piece, only to return to the clock—the central pivot.

By thoughtfully incorporating wall art and photos around your large wall clock, the wall turns into a gallery reflecting a sense of time that is not limited to hours and minutes but encompasses eras, memories, and artistic epochs.

Adding Shelves and Functional Decor

Creating a beautiful and practical space around your large wall clock can be both stylish and smart. Clever use of shelving not only adds to the aesthetic but also serves as functional decor that maximizes your space’s utility and appeal.

Strategic Shelving

Floating Shelves: For a clean and contemporary look, floating shelves are an excellent choice. Their minimalistic design ensures that the focus remains on the items displayed, not on the shelf itself. Place them strategically around the clock to create a visually pleasing structure that draws the eye upward and outward.

Corner Shelves: Making use of often neglected space, corner shelves provide a smart solution for smaller rooms or for filling awkward space around a large wall clock. They can seamlessly integrate into the layout, offering extra surfaces for decor without infringing on the room’s flow or the clock’s prominence.

Rustic Wooden Shelves: If your décor leans towards the country, farmhouse, or rustic, wooden shelves with their natural textures and warm tones, can enhance the charm. Slightly distressed wood shelves can complement a similarly styled wall clock, enforcing a coherent theme.

Decorative and Functional Items for Shelves

Books and Planters: A few well-chosen books can add color and interest, while small planters with greenery can bring life and freshness to the display. These elements can frame your large wall clock, marrying functionality with organic beauty.

Personal Keepsakes: Shelves offer the perfect platform for personal items like keepsakes, travel souvenirs, or handcrafted items, creating a narrative that’s unique to you, all orbiting around the central timepiece.

Thematic Ornaments: Theme-specific decor items, such as nautical elements for a seaside theme or geometric objects for a modern look, can articulate your personal style and preferences, making the space truly your own.

Using Lighting to Highlight the Clock

Illuminating your wall clock not only ensures it’s visible but can also transform it into a striking visual feature during all hours.

Spotlights: A spotlight directed at the large wall clock casts a focused beam that bathes the clock in light, ensuring it stands out. The direct light can create an almost museum-like display, emphasizing the clock as a piece of art.

Fairy Lights: For an enchanting and less formal approach, fairy lights can be draped gently around the clock. They lend a magical aura to the room and can make a prominent feature of the clock after dark, especially in bedrooms or cozy living spaces.

Ambient Lighting: Soft, ambient lighting can give the room a warm and inviting glow. By placing ambient lights around the clock, you create a subtle emphasis on the wall space without a harsh direct glare. It’s ideal for creating a relaxed mood.

By thoughtfully adding shelves and considering the interplay of light and shadow, you can craft an inviting and useful space around your large wall clock that’s both beautiful to look at and practical in everyday life.

Learn More: how to install shelf lighting

Installation Tips

When installing lighting, safety comes first. Ensure that any electrical installations are done following local regulations.

Decor Elements Pros Cons
Gallery Wall Personal touch, visually engaging Time-consuming to arrange
Shelves Functional and stylish Can look cluttered if overdone
Mixed Mediums Creates texture and depth Needs a careful eye for cohesion
Minimalism Emphasizes the clock, less is more Can feel empty if underdone

Seasonal and Thematic Decorating Tips

For a bold approach, change your decorations with the seasons or for holidays:

  • Spring: Floral accents and pastel shades.
  • Summer: Beach themes with bright colours.
  • Fall: Earthy tones with natural elements like pinecones or leaves.
  • Winter: Metallics and whites to mimic a frosty look.

The Don’ts of Decorating Around a Large Wall Clock

When setting out to enhance the area surrounding a large wall clock, the temptation to fill empty wall space or to display favorite decor items can lead to common pitfalls. Here are some ‘don’ts’ to keep in mind to ensure your wall clock remains a distinguished presence in the room.

Avoiding Overcrowding the Space

Maintain Negative Space: The area around the clock should not be so filled that the pieces compete for attention. Ensure that there is ample negative space, which provides a visual rest and helps to emphasize the items that are present.

Balance Proportions: When placing items around the clock, size matters. Too many large items can dwarf the clock, while too many small pieces can make it seem disjointed. Aim for a variety of sizes that complement rather than overwhelm.

Limit Quantity: A good rule of thumb is that less is more. Before adding an item, consider its necessity and contribution to the overall design. Each piece should have breathing room and a clear relationship to the central clock.

Harmonizing with the Clock’s Style

Cohesive Theme: Your large wall clock likely has its style, be it modern, antique, or minimalist. The surrounding decor should echo this motif, creating a cohesive narrative on your wall. Introducing an opposing style can create an uncomfortable contrast that unsettles the design rather than enhances it.

Colour Coordination: Ensure that the colours of your additional decor items don’t clash with those of your clock. The colour wheel is your friend here; complimentary or monochromatic schemes work well. If the clock is multi-coloured, pick out a single hue to focus on with your decor pieces.

Respect the Clock’s Era: If your clock has a distinct period look—like mid-century modern or Victorian—introducing decor from a vastly different period can create an anachronistic feel. While some eclectic mixes can work, it’s a delicate balance that needs a thoughtful approach.

General Considerations

Don’t Block Functionality: A clock is, foremost, a functional item, and its primary job is to tell time. Ensure that nothing obstructs the view of its face, or worse, its operation, such as the movement of hands.

Avoid Random Placement: While asymmetry can be visually appealing, completely random placement of items can look unintentional and chaotic. Even in an asymmetrical design, the placement should be balanced and appear deliberate.

Refrain from Thematically Irrelevant Decor: Every piece on your wall should relate to a central theme or purpose—straying too far from this can lead to a confused space. For example, surrounding a sophisticated silver art deco clock with beach-themed decor may not convey the intended ambience.

By steering clear of these common decorating mistakes, you ensure that your large wall clock is showcased to its fullest potential, supported by decor that enhances rather than detracts from its splendour.

Real-life Examples

Successful examples include a bold industrial clock surrounded by minimalist decor in a trendy loft or a classic wooden clock in a country-style kitchen accented with antique cookware.

Final Touches and Maintenance

Occasionally dust and check your clock’s functionality, keeping your decor fresh and in good working order.


Decorating around a large wall clock isn’t just about filling space; it’s about complementing a piece of functional art that speaks of time and care. Utilize these tips to create a space that’s not just synchronized with time but also with style.

Have you decorated around a large wall clock in a way that’s uniquely yours? Share your experiences below!

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ShellyP Clayton

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